Words for the Way – “They will beat their swords into ploughshares…”

This Message was delivered live to the congregation of St Ninian’s Uniting Church, Lyneham – Canberra on Sunday 28 April 2024 Isaiah 2:1-5; Matthew 5:1-16 Blamey Barracks better known as ‘Kapooka’ is located about nine and a half kilo meters outside the south-western town of Wagga Wagga, where the Australian Army since 1942 has trainedContinue reading “Words for the Way – “They will beat their swords into ploughshares…””

Benjamin’s Way – A Modern Parable

This long parable set in a suburban street, “Benjamin’s Way,” explores themes of prejudice and community values. The residents initially ostracize a new family, the Benjamins, due to perceived differences. However, their opinions drastically shift as Mr. Benjamin, previously a naval officer, saves a boy from a burning house. This act of courage transforms the community, debunking their prejudices and leading to meaningful introspection about love, charity, and compassion.

Words for the way – On the Journey

Preached at Yarralumla Uniting Church, Canberra, ACT Exodus 14:19-31 Some years ago, my family and I were on a holiday trip in outback Australia.  We were traveling later in the day.  The topography as many of you will know in far western New South Wales is quite flat, so much so that one may in places almostContinue reading “Words for the way – On the Journey”

This Sunday @ Yass Uniting Church

This sunday I was asked to deliver a worship service at Yass (in New South Wales) St Andrew’s Uniting Church. <a href="http://<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?height=314&href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F100064720507838%2Fvideos%2F723672209363213%2F&show_text=false&width=560&t=0&quot; width="560" height="314" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowFullScreen="true">Here is the lik to the service:

Words for the Way – Curiosity

Theis Week’s sermon from St Ninian’s Uninting Church, Lyneham, ACT. (Canberra) Luke 19:1-10 Curious people One thing that one learns if they serve in one of our emergency services, is that if there is an incident there will be on lookers who will stand and watch the rescue or event unfold sometimes to the veryContinue reading “Words for the Way – Curiosity”

Words for the Way – Yom Kippur

Sunday Sermon Preached Live to the Congregation of St Ninian’s Uniting Church, Lyneham ACT (Canberra), 9th October 2022 Leviticus 16:29-34; Luke 17:11-19      On Tuesday at sunset, (4th October) until sunset Wednesday (5th October) Jewish people around the world observed a most solemn and serious time in the Jewish year. Ten days prior (25th-27th September), Jewish people celebrated RoshContinue reading “Words for the Way – Yom Kippur”

Words for the Way- Exile

This sermon was preached live to the Congregation of St Ninian’s Uniting Church, Lyneham, ACT (Canberra) Psalm 137; 2 Timothy 1:1-14   Anyone who has had to emigrate may have some connection with Psalm 137.  For many decades our nation the Commonwealth of Australia, has welcomed many immigrants who have come here for reasons of refuge, safety,Continue reading “Words for the Way- Exile”

Words for the Way – True wealth

Sunday 25th September 2022 Sermon preached live to the Congregation of St Ninian’s Uniting Church, Lyneham, ACT (Canberra) 1 Timothy 6:6-19; Luke 16:19-31 Grand and Wealthy City I once visited a very beautiful and wealthy city.  I will not name the city for such a city maybe any number of metropolises around the world all renown forContinue reading “Words for the Way – True wealth”

Words for the Way – Lost and Found

Pentecost 14, Sunday 11 September – Remebering St Ninian our Patron Saint Luke 15:1-10 As I was reflecting on our Gospel reading for this morning, and in consideration that we are observing and celebrating the ministry and life of our patron saint, St Ninian, I was seeking to find some connection between the two.  The wonderfullyContinue reading “Words for the Way – Lost and Found”

Words for the Way- The Philemon Letter

Sunday 4th September 2022, Pentecost 13 Philemon Why Philemon? – a private Letter The letter to Philemon from the Apostle Paul at a glance is a rather strange piece of writing to have been successfully selected into the Biblical Cannon.  For one may put up the strong argument that this letter is private and deals withContinue reading “Words for the Way- The Philemon Letter”